Thursday, September 6, 2012

life is beautiful.

sometimes i sit and wonder when it's all going to end...the pain and the aches of living on the edge of a promise, feeling faithless and betrayed that it hasn't yet come to pass.

sometimes i feel like a i'm just going to snap and break in half because emotionally...i am so very weak.

sometimes i just want to start over, completely friends, no one who knows anything about the cold hearted monster i have been and can be when i fall apart.

but really, truly living life isn't about running away from problems or curling up in a ball feeling sorry for myself. living life is taking every single opportunity to make someone's day brighter. making the most of the little i might have to give glory to my Saviour.

this is my resolution. no more whining. no more self-pity. no more staring at the ceiling at night wishing i would just dissapear. sure, life is hard and people can be cruel, conceited, and self-serving, but that doesn't mean i have to let that make my life...totally lifeless.

no, i will not do this anymore. i'm going to live and i don't care what people think. i'm here for one reason and i won't let anyone else steal my happy and cause my eyes to dull. because, sweetheart, they've been dull for too long.

man up, get a hold of your emotions and fight for life and happy. 

it's okay to cry, it's okay to be afraid. everyone hurts and everyone goes through tough times at some point in their life, but it's not about the circumstances you get thrown's about what you do with them and fighting for the best to come out.  to bring beauty from ashes. embrace every situation and learn from past mistakes.

because life is beautiful. sometimes it's just hard to see that.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

cliff hanger.

once upon a time...nevermind.

i'm too tired, so i'll leave you with a cliff hanger ending :)

...actually it was a beginning. either's a cliff hanger. 'specially with those pictures. mwahahahaha.

i'm kind of happy--ish...right now. mwahaha.

goodnight, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite! ^.^

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

best friends forever.

there is no way i will ever be able to express just how much you mean to me. it would be beyond impossible. you are my best friend, you are the reason i kept going when my life seemed pointless and the light in the distance that keeps me trudging through the darkness.

don't let your fears take you down, don't let your fears steal all hope from your heart.

life is a crazy journey, it has it's ups and downs, but let me tell you that i will be there for you through it all. i'm not going to let you go...ever. never before in my life have i had a friend i can trust as much as you, a friend i can tell everything and know that you will still love me for who i am, no matter what past mistakes i've made.

the going is getting tough and it's going to be a hard walk, but i promise you i'll be by your side the whole time. i'll throw water in your face and pick you up when you fall to the groud and say you've had enough. i'll take your hand in mine and walk a step ahead of you when fears paralyzes your heart.

i know what it's like to be ditched when the tide suddenly changes and the quiet world you thought you knew so well quickly turns into a jungle of terrifying emotions and pain. i've been hurt before and that's why i'm not going to let that happen to you.

some people walk in and out of our lives, but that's not how it's going to be for you and me. we say we are bff and that's what we are going to be. best friend's forever. ain't nothing going to change that.

you're the bestest best friend in the whole universe. you're a pain sometimes and i'm a pain sometimes, but we're going to make it. bff. best friends forever. and ever.

and nothing's going to change that, annabelle rené. there isn't going to be a storm in our lives that we're not going to get out of. we might be barely breathing, our hearts hardly beating, but we'll be alive cos our friendship is strong. cos i got you, you got me. bff. best friends forever.