Wednesday, May 23, 2012

a few thoughts on going insane.

golly. I do believe I'm going quite insane. but, of course, it's hard to tell whether I'm happy or distressed about it. sometimes, going insane can be quite the adventure. then other times, it can be a horrific nightmare of reality and one's mind both falling off the cliffs of insanity together into screeking eel infessed waters.

I won't dig too deep into why I believe insanity has me in it's cold grasp, rather, I will just ramble about...nothing really in particular, just whatever comes to my mind at the time of writing each word, sentence, paragraph in this blog post.

and so, to begin, I shall share with you the most magnificently incredible hairstyle I have ever seen in my entire life. (click HERE to see)  isn't that absolutely amazing?  I adore it.  it's so poofy and happifying.

and now, I shall tell you a story.  once upon a time, there was an extremely shy girl.  she was so shy, in fact, that she would have anxiety attacks every time she went into a public environment. including her church. she had little to no real life friends and she was tired of it, so to break the ice, she decided to do something very brave. she walked up to a lad of fourteen years of age who went to her church and asked him if he used hairspray.  and now they are very good friends.  and it's a true story too.

today I realized that I have so many fears, I should write a blog post with a list of them just to make people laugh.  they are ridiculous, I promise.

I am very sad.  minnesota doesn't have as many natural gas and oil wells as I was led to believe by a certain website :( 

I went to the city and saw the hunger games with my mum last tuesday.  it's amazing.  it made me cry.  it was wonderful.  I wish they hadn't left madge out, but I suppose I see why they did.  this is going to sound silly, but my favourite characters were actually foxface, cato, peeta and clove.  katniss was awesome, but she wasn't my favourite.  I want to cry just thinking about it.  that movie had such an emotional impact on me.  when I listen to certain songs, I think of it.  it's such a heart melting movie.  you feel so awful for all of them, especially the careers, who have been raised thinking that competing in the hunger games is really an honorable thing to do.  glimmer was a real annoyance, but I still got teary eyed when she died.  clove...oh, clove...she looks a lot like this young lass I know, so it got me quite emotional really...

ach my, I've lost hearing in my left ear again.  it's such a bothersome thing when that happens. 

I am going to go now.  goodbye. 

-willow xx


  1. Sanity isn't needed. The world just makes you think you need it.

    I think I will try your hairspray conversation starter...seems to work.

    Oh, and I have a ton of fears too, of like, everything. So, we should start a scared club.

  2. I keep wondering... What was his answer? Whe you asked if he used hairspray I mean. I realize that is kinda a silly question, but I can't help but wonder.
