Thursday, May 10, 2012

seeing the beauty.

one thing I have been taught, or perhaps re-taught, in these past couple of weeks is that having a social life can be extremely exhausting, especially for a girl like me, who is constantly battling the insecurities of not being good enough, lacking in style and sass, etc.

so, one thing I've been learning is not to let beautiful, wonderful things like friendships tear you down.  much too often have I lost friends over petty little things and for quite a while, I locked myself away because I couldn't stand being hurt or knowing that I was the reason for someone else's hurt.  but now, slowly, I'm creeping out of my shell, treading carefully, trying not to make the same mistakes I've made in the past again.

and if there is one issue I had that was the most responsible for the deterioration of past relationships, it was that I was blind to all of the beauty and I wore a million contact lenses when it came to the ugly stuff. 

friendships can be painful and you can never know when you start a friendship with someone, how it will turn out.  but the important thing is to see the beauty in it.  don't let the little things tear you down.  don't let the fact that this girl you have been friends with for six days hasn't replied to your text message kill your light. 

I'm learning more everyday.  I'm struggling more.  I'm growing more.  I'm hurting more. I'm happier more. 

I'm learning to see the beauty in life and relationships and thank God for every opportunity He has given me to be a light for Him.

"don't wander about the dark, cloudy night sky, waiting for the sun to shine.  gather up the stars, put them in a jar and let them be your guide."

in everything, don't let the fact that life isn't going perfectly keep you from seeing the beauty around you and using it for God's glory. 

hope all of that rambling made a little bit of sense. keep shining :)

  -willow xx

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this. It's... Well, I'm not sure how to say it. Anyway, thank you. :)
