Monday, February 27, 2012

she's my heart and soul.

"People always say
I have a laugh
Like my mother does
Guess that makes sense
She taught me how to smile
When things get rough
I've got her spirit
She's always got my back
When I look at her
I think, I want to be just like that."

my mummy is the prettiest lady in the whole wide world.  she is the most fabulous, amazing, funny and graceful lady in the universe.  she's an absolute angel and God knew how much i needed her when He picked her to raise me.  she's a true british beauty, with her pale skin, dark curly hair and beautiful green eyes.  we look nothing alike, what with me having orange frizzy curls, pale freckled skin and ice blue eyes, but i'm learning to get over my envy of my sisters who favour her appearance more.

my mummy is the only person who really understands that i am dead afraid of people and why.  she's the only person in the whole wide world who understands the laws of how to raise a freak with a major shyness disorder.  possibly because she also suffered the same thing, though she was a lot more likable than i at my age and therefore didn't have quite the same amount of trouble making friends.

my mummy is the most perfectest mummy in the world.  she understands why sometimes i don't want to talk to anyone, even if she doesn't know the reason.  she gives me space and doesn't hound me for answers when i don't look the happiest little lass.  she gives me her motherly love every single day.  she holds out her hand when i fall over in the dust.  she is there for me every single moment and will never ever let me go. 

"She's a rock
She is grace
She's an angel
She's my heart and soul
She does it all..."

i might not look like my mother does, as the beautiful lauren alaina does and i might not have her exact personality, but it is my deepest, deepest wish that one day i will live my life selflessly, beautifully and my mother does.

happy birthday, mummy.  i love you so so so so so so so very much.  thank you for being my mummy.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

to my dearly beloved homeland.

to my dearly beloved homeland,

i miss your rolling green hills and your beautiful farmland, the sheep that grazed in the field and would always hold up traffic on those small country lanes as the farmers herded them over the road.  i miss your forever gray skies and freezing weather, your bone chilling coldness and the hot water bottles that all of us children would heat up and put under our covers before we stumbled into our beds at night.

i miss walking through the big cities at night time, clutching onto my mummy's hand as we trodded down the rain soaked pavement. i miss the old castles in the countryside and the red telephone boxes that stood along the busy streets.

i miss lots about you, but honestly, if you didn't have to have such bitterness in spirit and the lack of cheer, then we wouldn't have had to move away in the first place.

i'll come back someday, but just for a visit. i do miss you, but it's your fault we left.

much love,