Sunday, February 26, 2012

to my dearly beloved homeland.

to my dearly beloved homeland,

i miss your rolling green hills and your beautiful farmland, the sheep that grazed in the field and would always hold up traffic on those small country lanes as the farmers herded them over the road.  i miss your forever gray skies and freezing weather, your bone chilling coldness and the hot water bottles that all of us children would heat up and put under our covers before we stumbled into our beds at night.

i miss walking through the big cities at night time, clutching onto my mummy's hand as we trodded down the rain soaked pavement. i miss the old castles in the countryside and the red telephone boxes that stood along the busy streets.

i miss lots about you, but honestly, if you didn't have to have such bitterness in spirit and the lack of cheer, then we wouldn't have had to move away in the first place.

i'll come back someday, but just for a visit. i do miss you, but it's your fault we left.

much love,

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