Wednesday, March 7, 2012

eleven is a funny number, but it's nicer than two.

I was tagged by RayRay!

Here are the rules: You're supposed to tell 11 random things about yourself, answer the 11 questions the tagger asked, make up 11 new questions, tag 11 people (or however many you want) and let them know on their blog.  Here we go..

-Eleven Random Things About Me-
(1) I have a birthmark that looks like a weird group of freckles all joined together on my knee.
(2) I am slightly obsessed with butterflies because they are just sooooooo cute! xD
(3) I am madly in love with Scandinavian names.
(4) I'm deathly afraid of heights.
(5) Swans are my favouritest of all animals.
(6) I wish my name was Aurora and that I had black straight hair.
(7) I find American food to be despicable.  The English are better cooks...excluding me from that!
(8) My duck, Genevieve, is one of the most beautiful creatures God ever made.
(9) I walk around my house singing in a whisper all day long.
(10) I weigh roughly 110 lbs.
(11) I got very upset when I discovered that Anne Shirley is, in fact, just a fictional character.

-Answers to RayRay's questions-
(1) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?  Minnesota
(2) If you could meet one author, alive or dead, who would it be? Why? Suzanne Collins because she has such an imagination and it would be soooo interesting to meet her!
(3) What is your favorite Bible verse? Why?  As of today, it is R
omans 8:15–16.  I saw it on my schoolwork and it really touched me because I have such a hard time not being afraid of God.  I mean, I have a hard time seeing how He could be compassionate to somebody like me and I've not been a born again believer for very long and it just sort of helps me remember that He does love me with unconditional love and that I am His daughter. 
(4) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you want live? And in what kind of house?  Minnesota!  On a big acreage with an old white two story house with an attic and one of those cool American porches that go all around the house except from the back :)
(5) What are 3 of your favorite movies?  hmm...Defiance, Alice In Wonderland, and ...hmm....I don't know...maybe Pride & Prejudice..?
(6) Who is your role model? Why?  Both of my parents.  Because they are such amazing people and are so selfless and care more about their children than themselves.
(7) What is your favorite fruit?  ...I'm not actually sure...but apples are nice sometimes and so are oranges.
(8) If you acquired 1 million dollars, what would you do with it?  ahhhhhhh....I'd buy my family the farm of my parent's dreams in Kentucky and then I'd probably put some aside for nursing school and then I'd probably buy an iPod touch and every single Taylor Swift album and then I'd probably buy my mum a new car and then I'd give the rest to several different charities...jahhh, the iPod touch/Taylor Swift album thing is a little selfish, but hey, I'm being truthful!  xD
(9) What is your favorite season?  Winter
(10) What do you see yourself doing/where do you see yourself in 10 years?  I honestly do not know.  But I would want to be working at a hospital and/or married to someone very wonderful and with a young one or two.
(11) What is your favorite pastime?
  talking to my closest friends, creating music, listening to music, writing songs or doing school.  I really cannot decide.

-My questions for those whom I am tagging-
(1) Have you ever had a crush on a famous person, whether dead or alive?  If so, who?
(2) Do you have a pet sea turtle called Fergus Bloo?  If not, why not? and if so, I applaud you!
(3) Why are you staring at your computer screen with that dumbstruck look on your face?

(4) What are your two favourite for a lad and one for a lass?
(5) If you could re-create a rainbow, what colours would be in it and in what order would they appear?
(6) Does cotton candy remind you more of ferris wheels or of corvettes?
(7) Do you like your middle name?  If not, what would you prefer it to be?
(8) If you were given a choice, would you rather live all by yourself in Greenland or Madagascar?
(9) What is your favourite flavour of pie?
(10) Would you prefer to be a singer or a songwriter?  Why would you rather be what you said you'd rather be?
(11) Would you rather work at a French bakery in downtown San Francisco or would you rather work at a veterinarian clinic as a vet's assistant in Sydney, Australia?

well, now I am supposed to tag some people.  I think I'll tag...
-joseph ryan

yup.  goodnight, you all.


  1. silly silly siiillly. I want a sea turtle called Fergus Bloo.

    thank yoooou for tagging me!

  2. ahahaha, I just reread your eleven facts. butterfliieesss.
