Friday, April 20, 2012

i want what i want.

i want what i want and right now i want...


i don't even know why, but the other day at jack in the box, this stick-thin girl bought a strawberry milkshake and ever since then, milkshakes have been dancing around in my brain.  i'm not eating, i'm hardly sleeping and it's just so hard to because...they look so good, jah?


ook, so those look really good, but i'm not so obsessed that i'm not eating and hardly sleeping.  that would be called infatuation and i've had enough of that in my life.  ugh. 

i only posted that picture because i wanted all eight of my followers to start drooling over them.  boom.

by the way, it's disgustingly hot outside today.  it's april...not august, so why is the sun shining and the temperature rapidly soaring up to the disturbing fahrenheitical number of 66 degrees?  O.o

happy friday night.  friday night is always weird for me, simply's weird for me.  isn't that quaint? 

enjoy your milkshake dreams whilst you flonder around in the land of unicorns and ice-cream. 


p.s. - you love me, real or not real?  good job, i love you too.  anyways, i'm going to do a vlog/video diary/whatever you wish to call it thing, but the catch is, i don't know what i'm going to say on it, so i need suggestions.  so i suggest you suggest a few things to me, jah?  good night, dublin.


  1. It worked, now I want one. A vinalla one, I love vinalla. should do a video about all the random things happening in your life right now. 8-D

    And I know what you mean about the weather. It was seventy here yesterday and usually it is snowing this time of year

  2. I would probably start by introducing yourself, and telling a little bit about yourself. Pretend that the people who are going to watch it have never even heard of you, much less know you. Then I would, as Miss Baillot suggested, talk about interesting things that are happening to you. And if you can't think of anything interesting, just start the camera and start talking. Just let your thoughts wander and say them out loud. Remember, if you don't like it you can always delete it, so don't be worried about what you are going to say before you start.Then, if you still don't come up with anything, I would just pick something random and start talking about it. :)

    And the milkshakes do sound good, but I have my tea right now, so I'm happy. ;-)
