Thursday, April 12, 2012

eight years and one chai frappé.

  oh, yay, I feel so cool now.  sooooo, the day before yesterday, my mum had to go out and I was home babysitting all of the children, but three of them.  anyway, when she came home, she brought with her a chai frappé, which is, like, the ultimately most cool drink in...the world.  I mean, it's very...popular and you are, like, super cool if you drink them, like, five times a week. after school. while you are on your fancy laptop. yay.  anyhoooow, my mum decided it was too many calories for her to drink, so after all of the children tasted it to see if they liked it enough to drink the whole thing, it was finally passed over to me.  I took a sip.

and I *died*.

it was amazing.  and it's so cool to drink those drinks.  and I'm not cool.  and I thought I would always hate cool food and drink because it really is nothing compared to uncool food and drink.

but...I liked it.  no, I loved it.  I feel so special and...this is going to sound weird, but I feel kind of cool now.  you understanding this?

no, you probably don't. are not me.  and it is a very rare gift to be able to understand anything I try to say because, like, 99.99999999999 percent of it is highly unintelligible and entirely illogical!

but, yes.  I have no idea why, but this recent event has caused me to feel...superior to the former me of, like, a second before I tasted the chai frappé.  because...I don't really know.  but yes.  anyways.

also, yesterdays marked the 8th year anniversary of my first time ever stepping on american soil and today marks the 8th anniversary of my first time ever in this little town and the first time driving up this road and the first time stepping into this house and all that good stuff.

yes.  this has been an eventful week as far as my coolness excelling and anniversaries are concerned.  goodnight.


  1. It actually made a lot of sense. But then, I also tend to make no sense to other people, so... Maybe it is just that we speak a different language. And Anna too... Cause she can usually tell what I am saying... Usually.

  2. Yup yup yup. I understand. It makes sense. You were cool before you even had a chai frappé. ^.^

    1. Of coarse she was. :D And she still is. And she always will be! :D
